
Everyday new blooming flower - Atsushi and Hiroko JINEN Butoh newsletter

 Dear friends,

       Hello from Toscana Italy. This Spring season was filled with deep meetings for us. Performance in Tokyo and Kyoto, and then workshop and solo/group presentation in the nature of hidden sacred land in Kumano. With audience, friends, space, community and nature.  Everyday was new blooming flower for us, with precious moments. 
Now June, tour in Poland where we have been feeling very close this 25 years.
      Hiroko music news; Soon new digital release (Hiroko & Chris H.Lynn) UKIGUMO 浮雲; spring field recordings in U.S. and Japan, which was broadcasted on the framework afield radio in UK. Info soon > here  June, audio visual performance "edge of presence" in  Warsaw with guest artists and Atsushi. See below more info. 
    Thank you deeply for reading this newsletter. Let's keep on dancing flower of life each day.
Best wishes, Hiroko and Atsushi

JINEN HP >>  www.jinen-butoh.com 

JINEN Butoh Poland tour
Butoh Atsushi Takenouchi, live music Hiroko Komiya

photo by Jordi Lagoutte

 Friday 2nd June at 19:00 / Szczecin

 Butoh performance  HIBI-days-   
at Teatr KANA
<info & booking > >>>here 

Pl. św. św. Piotra i Pawła 4/5,70-521 Szczecin


Tuesday 6th June at 18:00 / Krakow
Butoh performance <HIBI > -days-  
Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej Manggha
<info & booking> >>>here

Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology
ul. M. Konopnickiej 26, 30-302 Kraków
site of Manggha museum >>>here


Warsaw Jinen Butoh workshop

9-11 June : 3days workshop >>3days course is full booked
16-17 June : 2days workshop
at BUTOHSFERA (Fundacja Pompka)
<info & booking> >>>here

Butohsfera, ul. Narbutta 46/48 lok. 51, Warszawa


Monday 12th June at 19:00 / Warsaw
Butoh solo <HIBI>-days
Tuesday 13th June at 19:00 / Warsaw
Butoh solo<HANA>-flower-
at Theatre Institute
<info & booking>>>here

Instytut Teatralny, im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego w Warszawie ul. Jazdów 1


Monday 19th June at 19:00 / Warsaw
Audio visual performance EDGE OF PRESENCE 
by Chris H.Lynn, Hiroko Komiya 

more info >>>here

Super 8 film: Chris H.Lynn (US)

Field recordings, sounds, objects, music: Chris H.Lynn & Hiroko Komiya (JP)

Guest dancer; Atsushi Takenouchi ( JP) Ola Capiga-Łochowicz (PL)
Guest musician; Krzysiek Łochowicz (PL)

at BUTOHSFERA (Fundacja Pompka)
Butohsfera, ul. Narbutta 46/48 lok. 51, Warszawa
about edge of presence >>here


 Tuesday 20th June at 18:00 / Warsaw
For the instant glance and seasonal view:
Recent films of Chris H. Lynn and workshop

Chris H. Lynn will present his recent films, and lead a workshop on various methods of audiovisual recording while in the field. 
at BUTOHSFERA (Fundacja Pompka)
Butohsfera, ul. Narbutta 46/48 lok. 51, Warszawa


Summer Butoh school

 * This course is full booked, now only waiting list.
Summer natureside ToscanaJINEN Butoh workshop
with Atsushi Takenouchi
14-25 July 2023


13-19August 2022

  nature side residency Butoh workshop
in the Swiss mountain / Kiental,Swiss
" The eternal transformation of life "

more info >>> HERE