
Barcelona Audiovisual Butoh PF -frequency in motion- バルセロナ公演

 バルセロナにてChris H.Lynn氏との新作を11月20日に上演します。今回は、舞踏に竹之内淳志Atsushi TakeounichiとMarlène Jöbstlを招いて。サントアグスティシビックセンター修道院の建物にて。8ミリフィルム映像、フィールドレコーディング、ライブ音楽と舞踏、光と影と暗闇、それぞれが静かに共存しあう深い時間を皆さんと共有できたらと思います。

New audiovisual butoh pf piece with Chris H.Lynn, title <Frequency in motion> will be coming to Barcelona soon on 20Nov2023. This time, we invite Butoh dancer Marlène Jöbstl and Atsushi Takenouchi. The location will be in Convent de Sant Agusti in Barcelona. Super 8 film, field recording sounds, live music and Butoh existence, light and shadow and darkness. We are looking forward these deep encounters and time we can share with you again.

frequency in motion

audiovisual butoh performance in Barcelona

Silent images on the screen

A Dancer pauses

sounds and notes linger on frequency in motion

Monday 20th Nov 2023 at 19h30

venue; Convent de Sant Agusti

(metro Arc de Triomf, Barcelona, Spain)

Live music, object sounds, field recordings : Hiroko Komiya (JP) , Chris H.Lynn(US)

Super 8 film : Chris H.Lynn (US)

Butoh : Marlène Jöbstl (FR/AT), Atsushi Takenouchi(JP)

more info >>>HERE

ph by Georges Karam

Hiroko Komiya is a multidisciplinary performer, musician, and sound artist, whose compositions including the sounds of various instruments and objects. Since 1999, he has collaborated with Atsushi Takenouchi's Jinen Butoh performance and all his project. She has worked on sound art projects and presented live performances, such as "edge of presence" with Chris H.Lynn at the Butoh Hybrid Art Festival Vienna (2022) and at Butohsfera in Warsaw (June 2023). She has released solo albums “Eau Nouvelle” ( sometimeStudio, France 2009 ), "Pendulum Sea" ( SBENG! Dischi, Italy 2017), and also collaboration albums with LENA CIRCUS.

Chris H. Lynn is a versatile filmmaker and sound artist from the United States. His audiovisual work, which includes digital images and Super 8 film, explores the subtle rhythms of movement, light and sound in urban and rural landscapes from Maryland, USA to Nanjing, China. His work has been exhibited in several international locations, such as the Librairie Avant-Garde, Nanjing, UNZALAB in Milan, and the American Film Institute (AFI) in Silver Spring, Md, Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinamericano Habana, Cuba, The Anthology Film Archives, NYC. His work was featured in the book Cinema and the Audiovisual Imagination by Robert Robertson.
His sound works have been published from Impulsive Habitat, Verz Imprint, Green Field Recordings, etc. and have appeared on radio programs worldwide.

Marlène Jöbstl, destaca per un enfocament artístic no convencional i responsable. Utilitza la dansa per explorar temes complexos amb una perspectiva que combina la bellesa i la poesia. Amb més de 27 anys d’experiència en les arts escèniques, Marlène es dedica a la direcció escènica, la coreografia, la investigació pedagògica i les actuacions específiques en llocs concrets.

Atsushi Takenouchi és un destacat intèrpret de la dansa Butô. Va començar amb la companyia Butoh Hoppo-Butoh-ha de Hokkaido i desenvolupà el seu propi estil, el Jinen Butoh. Ha col·laborat a Europa i en festivals de renom. El seu enfocament combina foscor i llum, explorant la connexió amb la natura. Conegut per una nova manera d’apropar-se a la dansa Butoh, contraposant-la a l’enfocament tradicional “Ankoku Butoh”.


Collabo PF with Fields of Wonder in Netherlands オランダ 公演コラボレーション

この秋、オランダのライデンで3夜にわたり、長年コラボレーションしているアーティストグループ「Fields Of Wonder」との野外公演を上演しました。丘の上の要塞を舞台に、詩の朗読、身体表現、そしてラビリンスのインスタレーションと舞踏と音楽とでのパフォーマンス。 今回で7回目の共演となります。来て下さったオーディエンスの皆様、そしてヒールト、タイアー、フィールド・オブ・ワンダーのチーム全員に心から感謝します。

Deep performance with our long collaborating artist group "Fields Of Wonder" in this Autumn 3nights in Leiden Netherlands. Performance at the fortress on the hill with poem, physical expression, installation, Butoh, live music. It melted each other. This was our 7th collaboration. From our heart, we appreciate for the audience, and Geert, Tahir, all team of Field of Wonder! 

Eternal Labyrinth with full moon, sounds vibrate, words telling us, movements and spiral walks... all melt into light and darkness.


29 30 Sep, 1 Oct, 2023

Fields of Wonder project "Bright Blooming of Darkness"

Fields of Wonder & Butoh Atsushi Takenouchi & Music Hiroko Komiya

SCENOGRAFIE/REGIE Geert van der Velden

PERFORMERS: Atsushi Takenouchi,Marlies de Koning,Svea van der Togt, van den Elsken Tanja

LIVE MUZIEK: Hiroko Komiya

PRODUCTIE/VRIJWILLIGERS: Geert van der Velden, Malinda Clouder, Bea Staffeleu, Kinan Ezzy , Tahir Idouri, Pim Rusch, Nina Kleingeld, Carla van der Helm



Updated; Audio visual pf in Warsaw EDGE OF PRSENCE -存在の輪郭-ポーランド公演

6月19日ポーランドにて上演します。昨年12月にウィーンで初演したオーディオビジュアル作品<edge of presene> -存在の輪郭-を今回はワルシャワにて、新しいゲストダンサーとギタリストを迎えて。8ミリフィルム映像とフィールドレコーディング、ライブ音楽と身体表現。また今回も深い出逢いと時間を一緒に共有できることを楽しみにしています。当日のオープニングは舞踏インプロビゼーションもあります。翌日6月20日には、フィルムワークショップと8ミリフィルム上映会も予定。

On 19th June, Poland premiere "edge of presence" invites new guest dancers and guitarist from Warsaw. Super 8mm film, field recording sounds, live sounds and physical existence. We are very much looking forward the deep encounters and times we can share with you. On 19th opening starts with Butoh improvisations. And on 20June, Chris will present his recent films and lead film workshop. 

Audio visual pf in Warsaw <edge of presence> -存在の輪郭- ポーランド公演_b0200212_05394113.jpg
edge of presence
audio visual live performance in Warsaw

Monday 19 JUNE 2023
start at 19:00
at BUTOHSFERA, ul. Narbutta 46/48 lok. 51, Warszawa

Silent images on the screen
A Dancer pauses
sounds and notes linger on the edge of presence

Super 8 film:
Chris H.Lynn (US)

Field recordings, sounds, objects :
Chris H.Lynn & Hiroko Komiya (JP)

Guest dancer; Atsushi Takenouchi ( JP) Ola Capiga-Łochowicz (PL)
Guitar; Krzysiek Łochowicz (PL)

* Opening Butoh solo improvisations; Krzysztof Jerzak(PL), Anita Zdrojewska(PL).

Chris H.Lynn and Hiroko Komiya have started collaborating since the spring of 2021. The released digital album “Oto no Yukue “ in Feb 2022, with extracting the instant sound of each land, exchanging like a sound letter, and creating new compositions from the explorations. It became a sketchbook-like album of sounds with seasonal changes, elements of nature, and some distant memories. They also have ongoing projects between here and there simultaneous recording, sound journal, speaking voice, and audiovisual live performance.

Chris H.Lynn と Hiroko Komiya は2021年春よりコラボレーション開始。2022年2月にリリースしたデジタルアルバム<音の行方>では、それぞれの土地の今の音を抽出し、音の手紙のように交換し、模索しつつ曲を作曲。季節の移ろい、自然の要素、そしてどこか遠い記憶を含んだ音のスケッチブックのようなアルバムとなりました。また、同時録音やサウンドジャーナル、声とポエム、ライブパフォーマンスのプロジェクトも進行中です。

Chris H. Lynn is a filmmaker, sound artist, educator, and curator from the United States. His digital images and Super 8 films explore the subtle rhythms of movement, light, and sound in urban and rural landscapes that vary from the Eastern shores of Maryland, U.S. to Nanjing, China. His work has been shown at the Librairie Avant-Garde, Nanjing, China, UNZALAB in Milan, Italy, American Film Institute (AFI) in Silver Spring, Md, Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinamericano Habana, Cuba, Goethe Institut, Washington D.C., The Anthology Film Archives, NYC, and a variety of venues internationally. His work was featured in the book Cinema and the Audiovisual Imagination by Robert Robertson. His sound works have been published on Impulsive Habitat, Verz Imprint, Green Field Recordings, KandalaRecords, Plus Timbre and echOmusic and have appeared on radio programs worldwide.

10 DEC Edge of Presence in Vienna 新作公演《存在の輪郭》_b0200212_11165028.jpg
© Chris H. Lynn

Hiroko Komiya plays object sounds; stone, water, seashell, toys, etc. and percussion, zither, shrutibox, voice. Inspired by the air, space, movements, inner body, memory, she expresses the sound without bound melody or rhythm. Since 1999, she accompanies Atsushi Takenouchi’s JINEN Butoh as a musician, all his works and live performances are created and played by her live music. Apart from dance, she collaborates with film, sculptor, painter, poet, story teller, costume designer, various artists for exhibition, installation, etc.

Release; first solo album Eau Nouvelle ( sometimeStudio, France 2009 ) / Butoh performance music album Pendulum Sea (SBENG! Dischi, Italy 2017) / collaboration w French experimental band LENA CIRCUS (2008, 2011)

10 DEC Edge of Presence in Vienna 新作公演《存在の輪郭》_b0200212_11171473.jpg
© Cordula

Atsushi Takenouchi ph JINEN Butoh 

Ola Capiga-Łochowicz - butoh dancer,researcher of this form of dance, scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the field of dance, Japanese teacher, art therapist, psychotherapist and dance and movement psychotherapy supervisor, certified psychodrama therapist.
She practiced butoh in Poland with Joan Laage(US), a student of Kazuo Ōno and Yoko Ashikawa, and then in Japan under the tutelage of dancer and psychology professor Itto Morita. She made lectures, butoh workshops and butoh improvisations in various Polish cities.
She is the author of the first book about butoh written in Polish "Bunt ciała. Butoh Hijikaty" and co-author of the screenplay for a film about dance and movement psychotherapy, Listening to the voice of the body. Dance and movement psychotherapy.

ph by Kamil A. Krajewski

Krzysztof Łochowicz- a guitarist working with polish jazz and pop artist like Ewa Bem, Kayah, Paweł Domagała, John Porter, Gang Tango, World Orchestra Grzech Piotrowski and many others. He also cooperates with film and video game composers, including Oscar winner Jan A. P. Kaczmarek, among many others.

Audio visual pf in Warsaw <edge of presence> -存在の輪郭- ポーランド公演_b0200212_19420669.jpg

Butoh improvisation solo

Anita Zdrojewska - artystka niezależna – tancerka butoh, performerka, malarka ikon. Z wykształcenia japonistka. Od 2008 uczyła się butoh m.in. u Yoshito Ohno, Atsushiego Takenouchiego, Yukio Waguriego, Ko Murobushiego, Tetsuro Fukuhary, Ken Maia, Mayi Dunsky. Tańczyła m.in. z Tetsuro Fukuharą podczas Dni Japonii w Warszawie i Joan Laage w projekcie „Earth Tomes” w Forcie Mokotów. Brała udział w festiwalach Terytoria w CSW Toruń - z pierwszą częścią performensu „Punkt zero” - i Butohpolis - tańcząc „Niesen” przy muzyce Ruffa Libnera. Podczas BUTOKAI 2021 zaprezentowała "Po owocach" a w 2022 (także na Hybrid Butoh Vienna Festival )"Odbicie". Ostatnia część tryptyku „Punkt zero” - „Punkt Zero. Kontinuum” został zarchiwizowany w Narodowym Instytucie Muzyki i Tańca. Reperformowała wybrane prace Mariny Abramovic podczas wystawy „Do czysta/the Cleaner” w CSW Toruń.
Maluje ikony; wystawiała prace w Warszawie, Poznaniu, Częstochowie i Zamłyniu (Ukraina). Prezeska fundacji Pompka (www.fundacjapompka.org.pl), animatorka kultury, prowadzi regularne warsztaty butoh w Butohsferze.

Krzysztof Jerzak – tancerz Butoh, aikidoka. W 1987 rozpoczął trening Aikido, w latach 2003-2020 nauczał prowadząc regularne zajęcia. Obecnie posiada stopień mistrzowski 4 dan. Był założycielem i nauczycielem Krakowskiej Akademii Aikido Kobayashi Hirokazu.
W 1999 rozpoczął naukę japońskiego tańca Butoh. Pobierał lekcje u: Daisuke Yoshimoto, Itto Morita, Atsushi Takenouchi, Imre Thormann, Katsura Kan i innych. W swym dorobku ma kilka solowych spektakli: „Szczery?” (2002), „Poza” (2005), „Straw-butoh” (2009), „Podzielenie (się)” (2019), „Słowa, słowa, słowa………” (2019), „Hana no michi” - Droga kwiatów (2020).
W 2004 prowadził całoroczny projekt pod nazwą "Integracja w terapii tańcem", w którym uczestniczyły również osoby głuchonieme – dla uczestników, napisał i wyreżyserował spektakl &quot;Kwiaty na chodniku”. W latach 2005-2011 wielokrotnie współpracował z niezależnymi artystami: muzykami, aktorami, tancerzami, filmowcami współtworząc prezentacje sceniczne i filmowe. W 2008 wraz z grupą Do-Teatr współtworzył spektakl „Aite” (choreografia i taniec). Regularnie prowadzi warsztaty w kilku miastach w Polsce.

* * *

For the instant glance and seasonal view:
Recent films of Chris H. Lynn and workshop

Chris H. Lynn will present 3 new super 8 films from the Journal of Drifting Hours Series and selections of his most recent work-A Season Close to Mountains and Atlantic Views.

He will lead a workshop on various methods of audiovisual recording while in the field. Participants will also be invited to develop their own ideas and share their creative process.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023
at 18:00
Venue:BUTOHSFERA, ul. Narbutta 46/48 lok. 51, Warsaw, Poland


Everyday new blooming flower - Atsushi and Hiroko JINEN Butoh newsletter

 Dear friends,

       Hello from Toscana Italy. This Spring season was filled with deep meetings for us. Performance in Tokyo and Kyoto, and then workshop and solo/group presentation in the nature of hidden sacred land in Kumano. With audience, friends, space, community and nature.  Everyday was new blooming flower for us, with precious moments. 
Now June, tour in Poland where we have been feeling very close this 25 years.
      Hiroko music news; Soon new digital release (Hiroko & Chris H.Lynn) UKIGUMO 浮雲; spring field recordings in U.S. and Japan, which was broadcasted on the framework afield radio in UK. Info soon > here  June, audio visual performance "edge of presence" in  Warsaw with guest artists and Atsushi. See below more info. 
    Thank you deeply for reading this newsletter. Let's keep on dancing flower of life each day.
Best wishes, Hiroko and Atsushi

JINEN HP >>  www.jinen-butoh.com 

JINEN Butoh Poland tour
Butoh Atsushi Takenouchi, live music Hiroko Komiya

photo by Jordi Lagoutte

 Friday 2nd June at 19:00 / Szczecin

 Butoh performance  HIBI-days-   
at Teatr KANA
<info & booking > >>>here 

Pl. św. św. Piotra i Pawła 4/5,70-521 Szczecin


Tuesday 6th June at 18:00 / Krakow
Butoh performance <HIBI > -days-  
Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej Manggha
<info & booking> >>>here

Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology
ul. M. Konopnickiej 26, 30-302 Kraków
site of Manggha museum >>>here


Warsaw Jinen Butoh workshop

9-11 June : 3days workshop >>3days course is full booked
16-17 June : 2days workshop
at BUTOHSFERA (Fundacja Pompka)
<info & booking> >>>here

Butohsfera, ul. Narbutta 46/48 lok. 51, Warszawa


Monday 12th June at 19:00 / Warsaw
Butoh solo <HIBI>-days
Tuesday 13th June at 19:00 / Warsaw
Butoh solo<HANA>-flower-
at Theatre Institute
<info & booking>>>here

Instytut Teatralny, im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego w Warszawie ul. Jazdów 1


Monday 19th June at 19:00 / Warsaw
Audio visual performance EDGE OF PRESENCE 
by Chris H.Lynn, Hiroko Komiya 

more info >>>here

Super 8 film: Chris H.Lynn (US)

Field recordings, sounds, objects, music: Chris H.Lynn & Hiroko Komiya (JP)

Guest dancer; Atsushi Takenouchi ( JP) Ola Capiga-Łochowicz (PL)
Guest musician; Krzysiek Łochowicz (PL)

at BUTOHSFERA (Fundacja Pompka)
Butohsfera, ul. Narbutta 46/48 lok. 51, Warszawa
about edge of presence >>here


 Tuesday 20th June at 18:00 / Warsaw
For the instant glance and seasonal view:
Recent films of Chris H. Lynn and workshop

Chris H. Lynn will present his recent films, and lead a workshop on various methods of audiovisual recording while in the field. 
at BUTOHSFERA (Fundacja Pompka)
Butohsfera, ul. Narbutta 46/48 lok. 51, Warszawa


Summer Butoh school

 * This course is full booked, now only waiting list.
Summer natureside ToscanaJINEN Butoh workshop
with Atsushi Takenouchi
14-25 July 2023


13-19August 2022

  nature side residency Butoh workshop
in the Swiss mountain / Kiental,Swiss
" The eternal transformation of life "

more info >>> HERE