
Album Release -Oto no Yukue- by Hiroko Komiya / Chris H. Lynn

新アルバム -音の行方- by Hiroko Komiya / Chris H. Lynn

Album "Oto no Yukue" 音の行方 by Chris H. Lynn and Hiroko Komiya
(total 5 tracks, digital release, 2022)

Oto no Yukue -the destination of the sound- began in the spring of 2021 and finished mixing and composing in November of 2021. The process of extracting the instant sound of each land, exchanging like a sound letter, and creating new compositions from the explorations slowly took shape. The end result became a sketchbook-like album of sounds with seasonal changes, elements of nature, and some distant memories.

Oto no Yukue -音の行方-;2021年春に始まり、2021年11月にミキシングと作曲を終えました。それぞれの土地の今の音を抽出し、音の手紙のように交換し、模索しつつ新しい曲を作曲していき、やがて形となっていくプロセス。最終的には、季節の移ろい、自然の要素、そしてどこか遠い記憶を含んだ音のスケッチブックのようなアルバムとなりました。

1.Rendezvous Cycles -循環する出逢い- (6m50s)
2.Sonotoki, Anotoki -その時、あの時- (5m07s)
3.Ima no oto -今の音- (6m50s)
4.Winter proof -冬支度- (2m25s)
5.Then. and then… -そして、それから- (22m25s)

released February 4, 2022

Chris H.Lynn ; Piano/Field Recordings/objects
Hiroko Komiya ; Zither/Lap harp/Keyboard/Breath/Objects sounds/Field Recordings

credit album cover by: Chris H. Lynn
credit design by: Hiroko Komiya

Album Release -Oto no Yukue- by Hiroko Komiya / Chris H. Lynn_b0200212_12531327.jpg
Album Release -Oto no Yukue- by Hiroko Komiya / Chris H. Lynn_b0200212_13295726.jpg

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