This JINEN Butoh workshop will be held in the sacred site in Kumano, Kushimoto, Wakayama, Japan. In nature, outdoors and indoors. On the final evening, there will be each participants solo ritual presentation.
命の花を開く- 心の中にある花を開く。微笑みの花、悲しみの花、痛みの花、怒りの花、喜びの花。深く心の中に有る花を星に月に太陽に、久遠の宇宙に開き続ける。此の命は億年の太古からの贈り物。頂きものの命を宇宙に捧げる。踊りは命の捧げ物。踊りは花の祈りそのもの。
スケジュール (四泊五日の日程)
4月11日 「母なる海へ」16時半より 宿泊地「潮岬青少年の家」でファーストワーク「母なる海へ」を行い、その後夕食を取りつつスケジュールや目標を共有します。
4月12日 「種を拾う」本州最南端潮岬の周辺で、日の出から月の出まで海の自然を巡りながら自分自身の中にある種(内なる動き)を探します。早朝よりの野外ワークです。
4月13日 「育み、育てる」前日に得た種を、ゆっくりと温め開いていきます。
4月14日 「命の花を開く」一人一人のつぼみをしっかり見つめ、同時にあるすべての人や自然も感じて、自分だけの花を咲かせます。風や光、様々な音、ともに生きる命のすべてを感じ、最後に今、ここに在る自分だけの踊り「それぞれの花」を大いなる魂への祈りとして捧げます。
4月15日 「稔りを得る」 自然と自分の密な時間を終えて、開いた花を次の種子として自分の中に落ち着け経験を深化させます。11:30に終了。自分の場所へ戻る旅が始まります。
参加費 : 一般 57,000円
学生 52,000円
ワークショップ受講費、プログラム中の移動費, 宿泊費4泊5日&食事 ( 食事は11日夕食~15日朝食まで全て込)まで含みます。
-宿泊について- 男女に分かれてのドミトリー式になります。
<<お申し込み、お問い合わせ>> こちらのフォームより
主催 「命の花」実行委員会
090-7752-2892 八木優美子
©JINEN Butoh |
* * *
“Inochi-no-hana (Flower of Life)”
in the sacred land Kumano, Kushimoto in Japan
11APR - 15APR 2025
*The space is limited, so we recommend you early registration.
◆5days residency JINEN Butoh Workshop
This JINEN Butoh workshop will be held in the sacred site in Kumano, Kushimoto, Wakayama, Japan. In nature, outdoors and indoors. On the final evening, there will be each participants solo ritual presentation.
Butoh Instructor, director : Atsushi Takenouchi
Live music : Hiroko Komiya
Opening flower of life~ Open your flower of your heart. Flowers of smile, flowers of sorrow, flowers of pain, flowers of rage and flowers of joy. Keeping blooming up your flowers in your deep inside to the stars, to the moon, to the sun and to the universe. Your life is the gifts from several hundreds of millions years ago. Dedicating your life you were given to the universe. Dance is the dedication of our lives. Dance is just like the prayer of the flowers.
◆Date: FRI,11APRIL 2025 pm16:30 - TUE,15APRIL 2025 am11:30
April 11: Starting at 4:30 PM at Shionomisaki Youth center. First workshop followed by dinner and sharing of schedules.
April 12: From sunrise to moonrise, explore nature around Cape Shionomisaki (Japan's southernmost point) to discover inner seeds of movement. Outdoor workshop from early morning.
April 13: Indoor and outdoor work.
April 14: Create your own solo dance as your presence of now. In the nature location and indoor location, we will share this final presentations as your own flower.
Followed by a social gathering.
April 15: Deepen your experience and settle the bloomed flower as a new seed within. Ends at 11:30 AM. Departure.
◆Location: We will dance in the natural surroundings of Cape Shionomisaki (southernmost point of mainland Japan), including sacred forest, coastline, rocky areas, wilderness, at sunrise and under the moonlight. And also indoor venue at Cape Shionomisaki Youth Center.
◆Accommodation: at Cape Shionomisaki Youth Center.
Dormitory style (Female and male are separated.)
Address: 669 Kushimoto-cho, Higashimuro-gun, Wakayama Prefecture.
◆Access: 11-minute bus ride from JR Kushimoto Station. Bus stop "Youth Center"
** Please note that there are only a few local buses that can take you directly to the venue from JR Kushimoto station. If possible, please use the bus departing from Kushimoto Station at 14:26 for the first day's meeting.
◆Participation Fee
- JPY57、000
*Included - workshop fee,
- 4 nights accommodation cost ( 11-14April, dep15April)
- meals from 11th dinner until 15th breakfast
- all travel expenses during the workshop term
* We prepare information of registration and payment.
* The registration is only official after the registration fee has been paid.
We provide meals which is gentle for your health using mainly organic vegetables. Our staff will cook. ( Your help will be appreciated to prepare the table, etc. )
The workshop will be in Japanese and in English.
-This workshop is open for people who has experience in dance, movement, any physical training, expression.
-The workshop of the second day will begin with sunrise time.
-There are public transportations directly to the place of the workshop.
-If you come here by your car, please carpool as much as possible.
-We are very sorry but small children cannot join in this event.
★List of things to bring★
-Sneakers for walking on mountain trails (easy to walk)
-Indoor shoes or slippers (at your accommodation)
-A swimsuit if you want to swim (depending on the weather, there might be possibility to swim short time. )
-Change clothes as you may get wet
-Warm clothes for when it’s cold in the mornings and evenings
-Camping headlight
-Any costume for 14th solo ritual presentation if you want to bring.
<<registration and inquiry form>>
organized by Inochi no hana -flowers of lives- executive committee
**** On the18 & the19 April, nearby location, there will be Butoh performance. If you want to have detailed info, please contact us.
- 18APR: Atsushi Takenouchi solo Butoh performance HANA with live music Hiroko Komiya.
- 19APR: Audio visual Butoh performance <Frequency in Motion> by Chris H. Lynn (film,sound), Hiroko Komiya (sound,poem), Tomokit Awaya(sound) + Atsushi Takenouchi(Butoh) and more guest artists.
©JINEN Butoh |
©Stephen Black |
©Stephen Black |