もし5月14日のラジオ放送でHiroko KomiyaとChris H.Lynnの新作<浮雲>を聞き逃した方は下記のリンクからお聴きできます。また詳しいトラックリストも載っています。またダウンロードも可能です。
このリンクより約60分の春の音旅をお聴きください。>> HERE
If you missed the radio broadcasting of our Hiroko Komiya and Chris H.Lynn new piece <UKIGUMO 浮雲> on Sunday 14th May night, framework radio has posted the program and track listing,
Please go here to listen this spring sound journey! >> HERE
この作品は、今週 英国、オランダ、米国、ベルギー、ポルトガル、ブラジル、カナダにて約12チャンネルでラジオ放送されています。この機会に大変深い感謝です。
改めてFramework radioのパトリック氏、コラボレーターのクリス、そして Resonance FMに感謝です。
This work is being broadcast on radio on about 12 channels this week in the UK, Holland, US, Belgium, Portugal, Brazil and Canada. I am very grateful for this opportunity.
Thanks again to Patrick from Framework radio, collaborator Chris, and Resonance FM.
Below is the track listing and locations:
[time / recording / recordist]
01:20 – 30:50 / Owl near Rock Creek in late afternoon / Chris
03:50 – 12:36 / Engawa farm in Kumano (frogs, goat/sheep/birds/chicken / Hiroko
12:31 – 16:00 / Frogs on Luzerne Ave with Bass piano / Chris
16:00 – 17:20 / Onigajo National Park by the Pacific / Hiroko
17:20 – 22:18 / Heavy rain and wind near the Atlantic / Chris
22:18 – 25:12 / Buddhist percussion Mokugyo Monk chanting / Hiroko
25:12 – 27:50 / Wind and snow in March / Chris
27:50 – 40:30 / A long walk around Tokyo Bay / Hiroko
40:30 – 46:35 / Chesapeake bay sunset / Chris
46:35 – 53:20 / Tokyo rain followed by JR yamanote line Tokyo train / Hiroko
53:20 – 55:20 / Shinjuku police station announce/street sounds/noise / Hiroko
55:20 – 58:20 / Recollection / Chris
photo by Teruko Shimura
Broadcasts for this week below:
- sundays, 23:00 ::: london, uk ::: resonance 104.4fm
- mondays, 05:00 ::: utrecht, nl ::: concertzender
- tuesdays, 04:00 ::: hudson valley, us ::: standing wave + wgxc 90.7fm
- tuesdays, 05:00 ::: corvallis, us ::: korc 105.9fm
- wednesdays, 05:00 ::: london, uk ::: resonance 104.4fm
- fridays, 01:00 ::: brussels, be ::: radio campus 92.1fm
- saturdays, 04:00 ::: santa barbara, us ::: kcsb 91.9fm
- saturdays, 15:00 ::: south devon, uk ::: soundart radio 102.5fm
- saturdays, 18:00 ::: hudson valley, us ::: standing wave + wgxc 90.7fm
- sundays, 01:00 ::: coimbra, pt ::: ruc 107.9fm
- sundays, 19:00 ::: corvallis, us ::: korc 105.9fm
- sundays, 19:00 ::: canela, br ::: rádio contato
- sundays, 22:00 ::: los altos hills, us ::: kfjc 89.7fm
- on demand ::: vancouver, us ::: radio nouspace
#fieldrecording #SoundArt #fieldrecordings #audio #sounddiary #soundjournal #Japan #Maryland #radio #frameworkradio #resonancefm #chrishlynn #hirokokomiya
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