
Sat 21Nov ; Film"Mediterranean" 48hours online release in UNFIX festival

Film "Mediterranean" premiere online release 

Sat 21st Nov start at 5pm (GMT) for 48hourse 


Jinen butoh Méditerranée  photo by Georges Karam

LINK from here >>> http://unfixfestival.com/mediterranean/

* There will also be an interview between Atsushi and UNFIX director Paul Michael Henry.

Film -Mediterranean -  ( 2020 / France/  38'00  ) 
Directer  Michel Tabet          
Butoh Atsushi Takenouchi
Photo Georges Karam
Music  Laurant Depaepe and Hiroko Komiya

This film is an Essay on Butoh-Dance-Documentary, filmed on Corsica island by film director Michel Tabet and photo shoot by photographer Georges Karam. Danced with hard wind, waves and rocky sea-side that sea made the refugees' ships sink. The ruined villages, churches and factories make us feel as if the time has stopped. The megalithic mountainous area shaped the earth's breath. Old trees sleep with an ancient memory. Atsushi continued dancing and dancing.

*Watching is free, but we are kindly asking for donations to support the filmmakers and their chosen charities (info below). Donations can be made HERE, and the suggested amount is €5. If you can pay more it will be greatly appreciated by Atsushi, Michel and the aid workers in Lebanon and Fukushiima they are supporting. UNFIX will recieve no money from this event.


Message from Michel Tabet

I have been filming Atsushi Takenouchi, a Japanese dancer, for 20 years. I am interested in his universe, which explores the relationship between human body and its environment and draws its inspiration from archaic cultures. The Butoh dance, which Atsushi practices, emerged in Japan in the 1960s, in response to the social and political upheavals that followed the end of the Second World War. Since then, this artistic practice has spread in as many ways as there are dancers.

Inspired by Shintoism and shamanism, Atsushi Takenouchi has developed a butoh practice that represents communication between the natural, social and technological forces that shape the body and human consciousness. Through his butoh he explores the physical and mental potential of humans in relation to their environment.

Recently, we decided to make a 40-minute film at the crossroads between video-dance and documentary. The project aims to be a poetic and sensory exploration of the ethical and aesthetical concerns of our time. We have chosen the Mediterranean as a space for this experimentation. This sea, a source of culture, civilization and exchange, is marked by major human and ecological crises. We want to evoke these tensions, but also to create images that remind us of the power of that sea and its primary beauty.

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About your donations

Michel and Atsushi will split donation between two causes, one in Lebanon and one In Japan:

Following the explosion of Beirut, we also would like to support Baytna Baytak association which is involved in securing houses and fighting covid-19 among the individuals and families that were affected by the blast: https://baytnabaytak.com/” (Michel Tabet).

The situation in Fukushima is still one of great hardship (following the nuclear reactor disaster in 2011), with radiation exposure and the problem of covid-19 on top of it. The government is trying to forget the problem of radiation exposure in Fukushima, using the situation of the covid disaster as an excuse. The situation for children is now more serious. 8 years ago we danced a requiem near the site with in collaboration with the below Fukushima Children’s Fund. Since then we have continued to work with them. We would really like to support even with a little amount these children in Fukushima: https://fukushimachildrensfund.org/english/about/?fbclid=IwAR2GHrOfbQxKh0pbYiOfTpEnX2xFn1_LPqY2cMLi0dY2E2bpKIcuIL4224s.” (Atsushi Takenouchi).

(by paypal to donations MEDITERRANEAN UNFIX)


今週土曜11/21 映画 『Mediterraneanメディタラニアン』48時間オンライン上映


フィルム『Mediterranean(メディタラニアン)』38分 -竹之内淳志 じねん舞踏フィルムは2019年の夏コルシカ島で撮影され、今年の春にはリリース予定でしたが、今年のパンデミックのヨーロッパの春にぶつかり、制作、編集が足踏み状態になり、一時は公開できないかとも思いましたが、このコロナ禍を乗り越えやっと撮影後1年数ヶ月振りにリリースに漕ぎ着けました。11月21日からの48時間限定公開(日本22日2時amより)ですが。もしお時間に都合が付けば、観て頂けると本当に嬉しく思います。


イギリス UNFIXフェスティバル

映画-Mediterranean(メディタラニアン)- 本編38分
竹之内淳志 じねん舞踏フィルム

Jinen butoh Méditerranée  photo by Georges Karam

映画リンクは右記 UNFIX FESTIVAL-online >>> http://unfixfestival.com/mediterranean/



*映画は無料で見れますが。見た後、もしこのドキュメンタリー映画に感じるものがあれば、福島の子ども達、今年8月ベイルート港爆発事故被災者、またこの映画製作者、三者に合わせて、寄付を500円程募っています。2012年僕はひろ子と共に東北大震災の追悼ツアーに行きました。その時、震災一年後の追悼舞踏公演を「未来の福島こども基金」に繋がる人達の世話で行う事が出来ました。 またこの映画監督ミッシェル・タベットと写真家のジョージ・カラムはこのベイルート港爆発事故後、現地に向かい現地の過酷な状況を取材しています。このコロナ禍が、既に困難な状況であった福島やベイルートを更に困難な状況にしています。もし映画鑑賞されて良いなと思われたら寄付お願いします。(*送付先下記です。)


ゆうちょ銀行>>*ゆうちょ口座間のみ可能です(窓口かATMで)。送金は手数料が100円程です。*ゆうちょダイレクト送金も可能なようです (入金お知らせメールアドレス:jinenco@gmail.com)、お試し下さい。無理なら窓口/ATMにてお願いします。

*送金と共に左記の様にメモをお願いします "舞踏映画へ寄付"
竹之内 淳(タケノウチ アツシ) 普通口座  記号14010 番号 15051171

(*日本ペイパルからは送金料だけで500円位かかるので、ヨーロッパのペイパルアカウントの方のみお勧めします。)>>>donations MEDITERRANEAN UNFIX 
主催者: Paul Henry。  https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8u9K2LDwCE


"EARTH" solo PF livestream Sommerwerft Fes / " EARTH" 舞踏公演ライブストリーミング 2020


 "EARTH" solo Buoh performance 2020 

livestream in Sommerwerft Festival in Francfurt (1:07:33)

ph by Piotr Nykowski

After lockdown of this spring, we were invited to the open air theater festival in Francfurt, Germany in the summer. This opportunity was our first live performance open air with audience. We deeply appreciate all the festival team of Sommerwerft 2020, and all members of Antagon Theater AKTion.   

During this performance, 4 high quality cameras were shooting and it was broadcast by live streaming in the festival. This above link is this performance archive.  SOMMERWERFT LIMITED EDITION 2020 https://sommerwerft.de/

JINEN Butoh solo

All life is born from the earth, and return to the earth.
Earth breath. It tells me that I am also a part of it.
I ask if my dance is also a part of Earth.
Earth replies me “ Yes sure. All is a part of the earth and all is dancing.”

Butoh ; Atsushi Takenouchi
live music ; Hiroko Komiya ( objects, percussion, voice )

* * * 

"EARTH" じねん舞踏公演 2020 

ライブストリーミング in Sommerwerft フェスティバル 

in フランクフルト (1:07:33)

ph by Piotr Nykowski

2020年春以来のロックダウン解除後の夏、私たちはドイツフランクフルトで行われたサマーワーフトフェスティバルに招待され、オープンエアにて公演することができました。Sommerwerftフェスティバルチームの皆様、そしてAntagon Theater AKTionのメンバーの皆に深く感謝しています。
公演中は、4台の高画質カメラでの収録及びライブストリーミング放映が行われました。このリンクはその公演アーカイブ映像です。SOMMERWERFT LIMITED EDITION 2020 フェスティバル公式サイト https://sommerwerft.de/




音楽;小宮広子 (オブジェクト、パーカッション、ボイス)


Hiroko Komiya music album link

Hiroko Komiya music info


"Pendulum Sea"  by hiroko komiya and atsushi takenouchi 
( CD, Label SBENG! Dischi, Italy 2017)
Produced, engineered, mixed, mastering by Nicola Barghi at Elfland Studio , Ponsacco(PI), Italy
" eau nouvelle " Hiroko Komiya 
(CD, 2009, sometimeStudio, France)
stone, shells, water, metal bowls, toys, percussion and voice

Collaboration album
" MA_TTA " Ramuntcho Matta with Mama Milk and Hiroko Komiya  
( CD, 2007, sometimeStudio, France )
Collection: aLIve in kyoto_vol.3
Courtesy Galerie Anne Barrault
Guitar and electronics:Ramuntcho Matta
Accordeon: Yuko Ikoma (mama!milk)
Contrabass: Ko-Suke Shimizu (mama!milk)
Things: Hiroko Komiya
Mix and mastering : Frederic Dutertre Recordings : Romain de Gueltzl Édition 2010 : Alice Truche
Eko Sato : Eko Sato
Drawings : Ramuntcho Matta «genialogie 2006»

Collaboration album
 (CD, 2008, MIMIMI records, France),
LENA CIRCUS ; Guillaume Arbonville:  drums, Antoine Letellier : guitar, yukulele, flute
Nicolas Moulin : guitar
Hiroko Komiya : voice, percussions and object sounds

Collaboration album
(CD, 2012, Partycul System Records,, France),
Nicolas Moulin : guitar
Antoine Letellier : guitar, reeds
Guillaume Arbonville : percussions
Hiroko Komiya : voice, percussions, object sounds
Recorded in Paris at Atelier Higué, 2011
Mixed and produced by Lena Circus
Master at Lula Studio by Kevin Espich

Collaboration album
 “ DAKINIS”  Sofia Stril-Rever
( CD, 2012, sometimeStudio, France)
Sofia Stril-Rever : chants sacres du Tibet
Hiroko Komiya : voice, object sound 
Ramuntcho Matta : Guitar and electronics



JINEN Butoh winter Butoh school JAN-MAR2021

 January - March 2021

  3 months JINEN Butoh School in Toscana
10days / weekend  

photo by Hiroko K. in Kiental 2020

Intensive 10days residency :
Jan 4-15,  Feb 6-17,  Mar 6-17
Link >>>

Weekend course :
2021 Jan 4-5-6,  Feb 6-7, Mar 6-7

Link >>>


photo by Jinenco © WINTER JINEN Butoh School

10days residency ;
2021 JAN 4-15 (Arr Mon 4, Dep Fri 15), 
FEB 6-17 (Arr Sat 6, Dep Wed 17), 
MAR 6-17 (Arr Sat 6, Dep Wed 17)

Weekend course ; 

2021 Jan 4-5-6(Mon-Wed),  Feb 6-7(Sat Sun), Mar 6-7 (Sat Sun)
* note; January will be on Mon,Tue,Wed for 3days as beginning of the year.  

< Contact & booking >

  via Firenze  42/A – 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy


Interview movie for "Something Called Butoh" インタビュー映像 "舞踏という何か”

NPO法人ダンスアーカイヴ構想が、2017 年から3 年間にわたって、国内外の舞踏家に実施したアンケート調査の成果報告として、2020年に出版された書籍「舞踏という何か」。世界各地に広がる「Butoh」の現象に切り込むべく、書籍の編者である松岡大が様々な舞踏家にインタビューを行います。第1回目はイタリアのトスカーナで活動している竹之内淳志さん。

This interview series is based on the book "Something Called Butoh" which was published in 2020 as a report on worldwide Butoh surveys conducted by the Dance Archive Network from 2017 to 2019. In order to delve into the phenomenon of "Butoh" that is widespread all over the world, Dai Matsuoka, an editor of the book, interviews various Butoh artists. The first guest is Atsushi Takenouchi now based in Tuscany, Italy.

目次 Contents
0:35 コロナの影響を受けて Influence of the Coronavirus
3:46 オンラインワークショップについて About Online Workshops
7:24 「花を開くこと」 On Opening "Flowers"
11:37 舞踏の型について On Butoh Forms
13:57 舞踏をどのように残していきたいか Passing Butoh on to the Future

To purchase the book "Something Called Butoh"  (*International shipping available)

62年三重県生まれ。80年に“北方舞踏派”に入門、『鷹ざしき』で舞踏の創始者・土方巽に振付を受ける。86年「じねん」というコンセプトでソロ活動を始める。 96~99年、日本の様々な土地風土、人や音楽を感じ即興舞踏にする吟遊舞踏『じねん』ツアーにて日本全国600箇所で公演。この間に大野一雄・慶人の宇宙観に触れ舞踏の心を学ぶ。99~00年、じねん 舞踏『太陽と月』にてヨーロッパ・アジア12ヶ国を巡り、自然や歴史的な場にて公演、映像を記録。2002年よりヨーロッパを拠点にを移し、各国で公演とワークショップを行う。母なる自然への環境問題を扱ったダンス映画『Ridden by Nature』(2014)に出演、各国36個の映画賞を受賞(ニューヨーク、カリフォルニア国際フィルムフェス、ニース、ベニス、AVIFFカンヌ国際フィルムフェス、ポーランド、等)。トスカーナにて舞踏学校を開設(2015) http://www.jinen-butoh.com

Atsushi Takenouchi
Joined butoh dance company "Hoppo-Butoh-ha" in Hokkaido in 1980. His last performance with the company "Takazashiki"(1984) was worked on by butoh-founder Tatsumi Hijikata. Atsushi has started his own "Jinen Butoh" since 1986 and created solo works "Itteki", "Ginkan"as a universal expression of nature, earth, and ancient times and impressions of the moment. He made 3 year "JINEN" tour project throughout Japan for 600 sitespecific improvisations (1996-1999). Around this time, he learned spirit of the universe of Kazuo Ohno and Yoshito Ohno. Since 2002, based in Europe, working on solo Butoh, and collaboration project with dancers and actors, with giving workshop in France, Poland, U.S.A and other countries. Joining in festival such as Avignon festival, Paris Butoh festival, NY Butoh festival, he has been presenting his solo piece.
At the same time, he also collaborates with film. The recent work in Alaska and Hawaii, "Ridden by nature" environmental art dance film has received more than 36 film awards. (New York Int’l film festival 2016/ Martinique Int’l Film Festival 2015/ World Music & Independent Film Festival WMIFF 2016/ Polish Int’l Film Festival 2016/ Aviff Cannes Art Film Festival 2016/ and more)
He has started long term JINEN Butoh school in Pontedera in Italy since October 2015.

Produced and distributed by Dance House KOGANE4422

Supported by NPO Dance Archive Network

Translation: Mai Honda


Practice movie 稽古動画 << A O U N >> voice & movement practice Jinen Butoh

"A O U N" is Atsushi's basic voice & body movement practice, which he has been giving more than 20 years in his Butoh course.
He loves this practice a lot :)
Embrace Universe. Open your Voice and Body movement Inside to Outside as a Flower.

*You can listen his voice as guidance and music by Hiroko.
It's not necessary to watch his dance in this video, just let your body into movement & voice through guiding :)

There is no fix form or movement,important is listen your inner
movement & voice, keep on your "A O U N", through this find your deep inside flower open to universe.



竹之内の声のガイドと小宮広子の音楽を通して、自身の声と動きを自由に見つけてください。竹之内の動きを見る必要は特にありませんよ :)

::: "A O U N" JINEN Butoh basic practice Atsushi Takenouchi:::
Butoh Atsushi Takenouchi, music Hiroko Komiya
recorded 16/04/2020
©GlobeJINEN 2020

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::: Dancing Life Every day with Prayer ::: 
2020 Spring is here.I want to send this message to all my
friends, and all my unknown friends all over the world.
Let's dance every day, we can share some moment together,feeling that we are not alone.This moment,

I dance everyday at home here in Italy at 7AM morning for
1hour. Do you want to join? Any place, any dance, any songs,
any music, any expression, with your style. (of course,any your available time,any duration,even one song.)

Under this time difficult moments all over the world, we pray
and dance and sing for sending love to your family and all
friends, and the life that passed away,and all the nature. Then we find own self through precious breathing.

Let's continue dancing through our life. Towards the universe of billion years.
Equal to all life existance, the sun shines,the moon sing,
mother sea hugs us.

Atsushi Takenouchi
Hiroko Komiya


When : everyday at 7AM of your country time or any your
available time
Duration : 5 minutes to 1 hour
Where : the place where you are

How to join : dance, song, music. ( any kind of dance, body
expression, body practice, any type of music, singing, sounds)



::: 毎日を祈りとともに踊る:::
一緒に参加しませんか? 参加するには、何処でも。 どんな踊り、ダンス、祈りでも。どんな歌、音楽でも。どんな表現でも良いです。(時間だって、あなたの良いと思った午前でも午後でも、たとえ一曲の歌でも良いです。)


竹之内淳志 小宮広子 
何時:毎日あなたの国の朝7時 または あなたの可能な時間なら何時でも良いです。
参加:踊り、歌、音楽 (どんなジャンルの踊りや身体表現や体操。様々なタイプの歌、音楽、詩、そして祈り。)









”The dance will go on forever and ever ! ”




Practice Movie 稽古動画<< Feel the Sky, feel the Earth>> 天と地 Jinen Butoh practice

On 8th April, today is the birthday of Buddha,
And tonight is the super full moon day, we recorded new video from our Jinen Butoh basic practice.

Atsushi loves this practice as last upload practice "Mother sea".
Let's feel the Sky, feel the Earth, we feel our body and life, and move from inner body. You can listen his voice as guidance and live music by Hiroko.

*It's not necessary to watch his dance in this video, just let your body into movement through guiding.

There is no fix form or movement, you listen your inner movement. Same time important is keep on your way of "stand up and lying down"movement.

"All Kind of life being need to standing up and returning back
to mother earth."

::: " Feel the Sky, feel the Earth" JINEN Butoh basic practice Atsushi Takenouchi:::
Butoh Atsushi Takenouchi, music Hiroko Komiya
recorded 8/04/2020
©GlobeJINEN 2020
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
::: Dancing Life Every day with prayer ::: 
2020 Spring is here.I want to send this message to all my
friends, and all my unknown friends all over the world.
Let's dance every day, we can share some moment together,feeling that we are not alone.This moment,

I dance everyday at home here in Italy at 7AM morning for
1hour. Do you want to join? Any place, any dance, any songs,
any music, any expression, with your style. (of course,any your available time,any duration,even one song.)

Under this time difficult moments all over the world, we pray
and dance and sing for sending love to your family and all
friends, and the life that passed away,and all the nature. Then we find own self through precious breathing.

Let's continue dancing through our life. Towards the universe of billion years.
Equal to all life existance, the sun shines,the moon sing,
mother sea hugs us.

Atsushi Takenouchi
Hiroko Komiya

When : everyday at 7AM of your country time or any your
available time
Duration : 5 minutes to 1 hour
Where : the place where you are

How to join : dance, song, music. ( any kind of dance, body
expression, body practice, any type of music, singing, sounds)




:::"天と地" JINEN Butoh basic practice Atsushi Takenouchi:::
Butoh Atsushi Takenouchi Live music Hiroko Komiya
recorded 8/4/2020
©GlobeJINEN 2020



::: 毎日を祈りとともに踊る:::
一緒に参加しませんか? 参加するには、何処でも。 どんな踊り、ダンス、祈りでも。どんな歌、音楽でも。どんな表現でも良いです。(時間だって、あなたの良いと思った午前でも午後でも、たとえ一曲の歌でも良いです。)


竹之内淳志 小宮広子 
何時:毎日あなたの国の朝7時 または あなたの可能な時間なら何時でも良いです。
参加:踊り、歌、音楽 (どんなジャンルの踊りや身体表現や体操。様々なタイプの歌、音楽、詩、そして祈り。)









”The dance will go on forever and ever ! ”




KONTRAPUNKT Radio show/ Rock Service FM in Poland : Light Reflections

"Butoh need pass through darkness to the light to open flower".
Spring flower needs to bloom. We need open Life. We feel now is a time of insight, deep observation. With keeping dance of life, let's keep deep eye on now.
Though this news of new virus give big effect to the world, people's life, activity, feeling, emotion, mind, daily life, let's pass through this difficult term, and find each own flower.

Today we want to introduce the link of radio programme Kontrapunkt/Rock Serwis FM Poland. On 23Jan2020, they played Hiroko's music from CD "Pendulum Sea".  
Playlist https://kontrawave.com/2020/01/23/kontrapunkt-224-refleksy-swiatla-playlista/
We were touched since they played Henryk Górecki's "Symphony No. 3 " in the same radio programme. This song was our respecting Butoh master Yoshito Ohno's favorite piece when he was alive and teaching Butoh. We appreciate them and here we want to send the the podcast link. 

Podcast link
(*The title ODBICIA SWIATLA  by Wiktor Janda on 23.01.2020, after text there is play button to listen. )

Posted on 23 January 2020,  by DJ SchizoID 

23/01/2020   21:00-23:00

Thank you very much Kontrapunkt/Rock Servis FM, and thank you very much for this meeting with Wiktor Janda. We send deep appreciation and respects.



The 100th Anniversary of Bauhaus: Bauhaus design - Butoh - Music < Il Corpo Dentro >

This performance <Il Corpo Dentro >was performed in 2019 Festival ARTONOV in Brussels. Collaboration with costume design by Sonia Biacchi. We love to send this video also to Sonia in the sky with big love and respect.
Big appreciation for team Festival ARTONOV and C.T.R Centro Teatrale di Ricerca Venezia.

Il Corpo Dentro 

The 100th Anniversary of Bauhaus 
Bauhaus design - Butoh - Music
<Il Corpo Dentro >
Atsushi Takenouchi, Butoh dancer, choreographer
Hiroko Komiya, musician, object sound, percussion and voice
Sonia Biacchi, costume designer
C.T.R. Centro Teatrale di Ricerca – Venezia

at Villa Empain - Fondation Boghossian
Festival ARTONOV Brussels

And more news is that the Festival ARTONOV was chosen for the cover of the beautiful Brussels cultural guide 2020!

Le Guide Culturel BRUSSELS 2020

#artonov #artdeco #bauhaus100
#BruxellesPatrimoinesErfgoedBrussel #welovebrussels #festival #performance #international #artonov2020 #architecture  #dyod  #Atsushi Takenouchi    #Centro Teatrale di Ricerca Venezia