
Performance video online ! Butoh solo "SKIN" in Paris June 2013.    パリ公演動画オンライン公開 "SKIN” 2013年6月 

The performance video "SKIN" is published online. In the intimate art space in Paris, at Espace en Cours, Atsushi's dance started with the subtle object sound vibrating in the space. This time, we collaborated with musician unit KURI ( Miho & Katsu ) from Japan. Please have a look the video from the link below!
舞踏公演”SKIN"の動画がオンラインになりました。パリ20区にある趣ある石造りのアートスペース Espace en Coursにて。小さな微かな音が静かな空間に響く中、踊りが始まりました。今回の音はKURI(水町克さん、水町三穂さん)のお二人をゲストに、各日、小宮広子の音とコラボレーションでの公演となりました。下記video linkより動画をご覧ください。

Atsushi Takenouchi Butoh solo 
 " S K I N  "

video link >>>  Atsushi Takenouchi "SKIN" video 
                                       © Konronsha

Performed on June 13&14, 2013 at Espace en Cours in Paris 
Butoh ; Atsushi Takenouchi
Live music ; Hiroko Komiya (object sounds, voice)
 Miho Mizumachi (tin whistle, low whistle, melodion, tibetan bells, voice)
 Katsu Mizumachi (bodhran, noise, bouzouki, jew's harp, voice)

 Does my skin separate me from the external world?
 Magma, underground bedrock, surface soil, the atmosphere, the magnetosphere; the layers of the earth. Membrane of cells, internal organs, muscles, bones, and the body, a wave of emotion, a layer of energy, aura; the inner and outer layers of our body.
 Perhaps there is no boundary between my environment and me.  There is only the sensation from the many layers of skin. The life of the moment, the dance begins with this layered sensation.


At Espace en Cours (Paris) - Jeudi 13 et vendredi 14 juin 2013
performance organized by ARTRACE
video; Michel Tabet



Archive 3 / 2013 July 3wks JINEN Butoh workshop at Spazio NU - site specific performance -

Photos from the archive of 3weeks summer residency JINEN Butoh workshop at Spazio NU in Pontedera/ Italy .
- Site specific performance -

Each moments, each dance had a deep and intimate meeting with the spaces, the memory of the place, sound of the ancient buildings, color of the air, emotion of them. Dance and dialogue together, feeling through the body, extend the time and space, transform and be itself.

performance at temple of Minerva Medica in Montefoscoli, at  the palace and former medieval  prison building in Vicopisano, and town square and market square in Pontedera city.

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Katrina Wolfe

ph by Katrina Wolfe

ph by Katrina Wolfe

ph by Katrina Wolfe

ph by Katrina Wolfe

ph by Katrina Wolfe

ph by Katrina Wolfe
ph by Marco Netto
ph by Katrina Wolfe

ph by Katrina Wolfe

ph by Katrina Wolfe


ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto
ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto


photo by Marco Netto & Katrina Wolfe & Globe JINEN
the info for 2014 summer
 we are looking forward to having again great meetings and deep dancing moments!
thank you very much for 2013 workshop Group, thank you very much for Spazio NU!  

Archive 2 / 2013 July 3wks JINEN Butoh workshop at Spazio NU - nature work & performance -

Photos from the archive of 3weeks summer residency JINEN Butoh workshop at Spazio NU in Pontedera/ Italy .
-natureside workshop & performance in nature -

We danced in the mountain, with forest trees, flowers, dried leaf, fire and water, wind and sun, rolling on the stones, moon light, crazy rain, muddy field, running hourses, hidden forest, quiet water colors, living together, sharing together.

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Marco Netto

ph by Katrina Wolfe

ph by Katrina Wolfe

ph by Katrina Wolfe

ph by Marco Netto

photo by Marco Netto & Katrina Wolfe & Globe JINEN
the info for 2014 summer