バルセロナにてChris H.Lynn氏との新作を11月20日に上演します。今回は、舞踏に竹之内淳志Atsushi TakeounichiとMarlène Jöbstlを招いて。サントアグスティシビックセンター修道院の建物にて。8ミリフィルム映像、フィールドレコーディング、ライブ音楽と舞踏、光と影と暗闇、それぞれが静かに共存しあう深い時間を皆さんと共有できたらと思います。
New audiovisual butoh pf piece with Chris H.Lynn, title <Frequency in motion> will be coming to Barcelona soon on 20Nov2023. This time, we invite Butoh dancer Marlène Jöbstl and Atsushi Takenouchi. The location will be in Convent de Sant Agusti in Barcelona. Super 8 film, field recording sounds, live music and Butoh existence, light and shadow and darkness. We are looking forward these deep encounters and time we can share with you again.
frequency in motionaudiovisual butoh performance in Barcelona
Silent images on the screen
A Dancer pauses
sounds and notes linger on frequency in motion
Monday 20th Nov 2023 at 19h30
venue; Convent de Sant Agusti
(metro Arc de Triomf, Barcelona, Spain)
Live music, object sounds, field recordings : Hiroko Komiya (JP) , Chris H.Lynn(US)
Super 8 film : Chris H.Lynn (US)
Butoh : Marlène Jöbstl (FR/AT), Atsushi Takenouchi(JP)
more info >>>HERE
ph by Georges Karam
Hiroko Komiya is a multidisciplinary performer, musician, and sound artist, whose compositions including the sounds of various instruments and objects. Since 1999, he has collaborated with Atsushi Takenouchi's Jinen Butoh performance and all his project. She has worked on sound art projects and presented live performances, such as "edge of presence" with Chris H.Lynn at the Butoh Hybrid Art Festival Vienna (2022) and at Butohsfera in Warsaw (June 2023). She has released solo albums “Eau Nouvelle” ( sometimeStudio, France 2009 ), "Pendulum Sea" ( SBENG! Dischi, Italy 2017), and also collaboration albums with LENA CIRCUS.
Chris H. Lynn is a versatile filmmaker and sound artist from the United States. His audiovisual work, which includes digital images and Super 8 film, explores the subtle rhythms of movement, light and sound in urban and rural landscapes from Maryland, USA to Nanjing, China. His work has been exhibited in several international locations, such as the Librairie Avant-Garde, Nanjing, UNZALAB in Milan, and the American Film Institute (AFI) in Silver Spring, Md, Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinamericano Habana, Cuba, The Anthology Film Archives, NYC. His work was featured in the book Cinema and the Audiovisual Imagination by Robert Robertson.
His sound works have been published from Impulsive Habitat, Verz Imprint, Green Field Recordings, etc. and have appeared on radio programs worldwide.
Marlène Jöbstl, destaca per un enfocament artístic no convencional i responsable. Utilitza la dansa per explorar temes complexos amb una perspectiva que combina la bellesa i la poesia. Amb més de 27 anys d’experiència en les arts escèniques, Marlène es dedica a la direcció escènica, la coreografia, la investigació pedagògica i les actuacions específiques en llocs concrets.
Atsushi Takenouchi és un destacat intèrpret de la dansa Butô. Va començar amb la companyia Butoh Hoppo-Butoh-ha de Hokkaido i desenvolupà el seu propi estil, el Jinen Butoh. Ha col·laborat a Europa i en festivals de renom. El seu enfocament combina foscor i llum, explorant la connexió amb la natura. Conegut per una nova manera d’apropar-se a la dansa Butoh, contraposant-la a l’enfocament tradicional “Ankoku Butoh”.