
Edge of Presence in Vienna 新作公演《存在の輪郭》


10 DEC Edge of Presence in Vienna 新作公演《存在の輪郭》

Very exciting news about a new performance Hiroko Komiya with her collaborating artist Chris H.Lynn.This time the performance will collaborate with Butoh dancer Carla Rihl and David Gazsi.

新プロジェクト作品のお知らせです。この12月に小宮広子と、映像/音響作家である在米アーティストChris H.Lynn氏で一緒に, 映像と音と身体表現で < edge of presence > -存在の輪郭- という新作公演を上演します。今回は在ウィーンのダンサー Carla Rihl David Gazsi との共演です。

© Chris H. Lynn


Sat 10th DEC 2022

in Hybrid Butoh Vienna Art Festival 2022 (1-11/12/2022)

link here> https://www.viennabutohfest.com/edgeofpresence


edge of presence

Audio visual performance with dancers


Silent images on the screen

A Dancer pauses

sounds and notes linger on the edge of presence


Super 8 film:

Chris H.Lynn (US)


Field recordings, sounds, objects, music:

Chris H.Lynn & Hiroko Komiya (JP)



Carla Rihl (AT) & David Gazsi (UK)



20 minutes


At: Das Lot Space ( Absberggasse 31, 1100 Wien )




Chris H.Lynn and Hiroko Komiya have started collaborating since the spring of 2021. The released digital album “Oto no Yukue “ in Feb 2022, with extracting the instant sound of each land, exchanging like a sound letter, and creating new compositions from the explorations. It became a sketchbook-like album of sounds with seasonal changes, elements of nature, and some distant memories. They also have ongoing projects between here and there simultaneous recording, sound journal, speaking voice, and audiovisual live performance.


Chris H.Lynn と Hiroko Komiya 2021年春よりコラボレーション開始。20222月にリリースしたデジタルアルバム<音の行方>では、それぞれの土地の今の音を抽出し、音の手紙のように交換し、模索しつつ曲を作曲。季節の移ろい、自然の要素、そしてどこか遠い記憶を含んだ音のスケッチブックのようなアルバムとなりました。また、同時録音やサウンドジャーナル、声とポエム、ライブパフォーマンスのプロジェクトも進行中です。<音の行方>https://hirokokomiyachrishlynn.bandcamp.com/



Chris H. Lynn is a filmmaker, sound artist, educator, and curator from the United States. His digital images and Super 8 films explore the subtle rhythms of movement, light, and sound in urban and rural landscapes that vary from the Eastern shores of Maryland, U.S. to Nanjing, China. His work has been shown at the Librairie Avant-Garde, Nanjing, China, UNZALAB in Milan, Italy, American Film Institute (AFI) in Silver Spring, Md, Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinamericano Habana, Cuba, Goethe Institut, Washington D.C., The Anthology Film Archives, NYC, and a variety of venues internationally. His work was featured in the book Cinema and the Audiovisual Imagination by Robert Robertson. His sound works have been published on Impulsive Habitat, Verz Imprint, Green Field Recordings, KandalaRecords, Plus Timbre and echOmusic and have appeared on radio programs worldwide.






© Chris H. Lynn

- - -

Hiroko Komiya plays object sounds; stone, water, seashell, toys, etc. and percussion, zither, shrutibox, voice. Inspired by the air, space, movements, inner body, memory, she expresses the sound without bound melody or rhythm. Since 1999, she accompanies Atsushi Takenouchi JINEN Butoh as a musician, all his works and live performances are created and played by her live music. Apart from dance, she collaborates with film, sculptor, painter, poet, story teller, costume designer, various artists for exhibition, installation, etc.

CD release; first solo album eau nouvelle ( sometimeStudio, France 2009 ) / Butoh performance music album Pendulum Sea (SBENG! Dischi, Italy 2017) / collaboration w French band LENA CIRCUS Toki no Arika (France 2008)





© Cordula













Winter JINEN Butoh School 28/12/2022- 05/01/2023 EMBRACE INFINITE CIRCLE

JINEN Butoh Winter School 2022-2023


28/12/2022 – 05/01/2023 at Spazio NU ( Pontedera / Italy )
by Atsushi Takenouchi 

performance One_2016 © Jordi Lagoutte

Accompanied by live music Hiroko Komiya
Assistant Liviana Angeloni

Date: Wednesday 28 DEC 2022 - Thursday 05 JAN 2023
28/29/30/31/01/02/03/04/05 – 9 days

The end of the year and the new beginning of the year, we will hold this 9days winter JINEN Butoh school with sharing the theme -Embrace infinite circle-. We have hidden all the memories since the creation of the universe in this body. Draw a big circle with both hands and embrace the universe. And let's feel the infinite circle of this universe.

Hiroko photo by Robbie Sweeny

hours : 7-8 hours / day

* We will have each participant solo/duo presentation, group improvisation time.

* There will be night session day. Depending on the schedule, time will be flexible.

* There will be Atsushi Takenouchi solo performance & other solo performance night.


Requirement: This course is open for all people who is interested in practicing Butoh, dance, body movement, and searching inner movement. No necessary to have Butoh experience in advance.


Meeting appointment : Wednesday 28 DEC at 16:00 PM at Spazio NU

Departure : Thursday 05 JAN (The class will finish at 17:00. )

Course at : Spazio NU

Course language : English

*If someone needs, there will be Italian translator.


<Reservation >


- Please ask by email, if there is still place for workshop or not, since place has limit.

*Early bird reduction; before 20th NOV. reduction 50 euros.


<Contact >



address : via Firenze 42/A – 56025 Pontedera (PI) Italy






It is said that love is the beginning of the mother universe.

Mother loved and embraced her child, the Star Child.
Big bang. The mother universe releases her children, And at the same time, the joy, and the sadness and pain of not being able to meet her children by letting them depart.

It is said that all emotions were born with the beginning of the universe.
The child stars shine with light of various colors and speak for themselves.
The earth is one of those planets, we are born from the earth and return to the earth.

We were one with that mother's love. Stars, the sun, the moon, the sea, mountains, rivers, and earth were born from there, and various life forms were born there.
We have hidden all the memories since the creation of the universe in this body.

Draw a big circle with both hands and embrace the universe. And let's feel the infinite circle of this universe. Dance with the sea, mountains, and various life forms those were born from there, the infinite circle of this universe, and transform into these. All life has joy and sorrow, all emotions, life and death, light and darkness, yin and yang.
All of them dance in one infinite circle of life.
We Embrace the Infinite Circle.



homage Felix Guattari in Paris 19th OCT 2022


Hello Paris friends, We will join this 19th OCT , 11h-22h at 35/37 in Paris to homage Felix Guattari. Hoping to see you there ! Thank you Arigatou deeply Ramuntcho.

-----Ramuntcho Matta ----

Jour pour jour
Nous serons là
Au 35/37
Just for one day
De 11h a 22h
Nous c’est
Frederic Dutertre
Yellow shark
Atsushi Takenouchi
Hiroko Komiya
Judith Egger
Simon Spang Hanssen
Pablo Cueco
Vous une journée d’hommages collatéraux
Chacun d’entre nous
A sa façons et de manières solitaires ou collectives rendra hommages à ceux qui font parties d’eux …
Cela démarre par une sorte de célébration #FelixGuattari
-30 ans qu’il est parti -
Et puis nous glisserons vers ce qui le constitue lui
De #GillesDeleuze à #doncherry en passant par #WilliamSBurroughs et bien d’autres
Vous ne connaissez pas le 3537.org
C’est un espace de miracles
Comme la kitchen de newyork dans les années soixante-dix …
Please welcome


New Release of sound ; A Tale of Two Bays

新曲リリース:二つの湾の物語 by Hiroko Komiya / Chris H. Lynn 

I am grateful to announce this new sound release - A Tale of Two Bays - in collaboration with Chris H.Lynn.
新しい曲 "A tale of two bays 二つの湾の物語" をリリースしました。Chris H.Lynnとのコラボレーショントラックです。

Listen from the link below >>>

A tale of two bays is a blended audible view of two historic bays: the Chesapeake bay in Maryland, USA and Tokyo bay in Tokyo, Japan. Both recordings occur on a spring day and are mostly unembellished. They present the listener with a brief moment to enter these watery spaces and create their own tale. This is the first composition in an ongoing project.

A tale of two bays. -二つの湾の物語-。米国メリーランド州のチェサピーク湾と、日本の首都圏に囲まれた東京湾。これら二つの湾が過ごしてきた長い長い時間、そして聴こえてくる風景が重なってできた曲。現在進行中のプロジェクトにおける第一弾目の曲です。

A Tale of Two Bays
(Released on 04/07/2022,  -24 minutes)
Chesapeake Bay recording: Chris H. Lynn
Tokyo Bay recording: Hiroko Komiya
credit photo by: Hiroko Komiya

©All rights reserved


Performance at La Voce del Corpo Festival 2022

Butoh performance with live music in Osnago Italy at the 6th edition La Voce del Corpo.

photo by Ilaria Tomasi

  On the 26th June, We joined the festival called La Voce del Corpo ( the voice of the body - 6th edition) in Osnago, Italy. This was our 2nd time to join this festival since 2009. This time, we made JINEN Butoh workshop and created group performance. On the final closing day of the festival was our open air performance day.  

  All the dancers body were painted with white cray and they dressed up with white costume. During about 15 minutes with silence, they made quietly zero walking in the square with minimum speed and sometime expressing soft slow movement. Falling of the tiny drop of rain, the performance was started with the ring of the church bell behind us. Quiet and serene start of the dance performance as if the time has stopped. Hiroko played various object sounds with processing and also metal percussions, singing bowls, hungarian zither, and field recording sounds. This performance title was " The four seasons of life. Embrace life and death ". All the dancers were wonderful. The performance went very deep with focusing on each moment and space. A combination of dynamic development and delicate dance. It became unforgettable event, including presence of Mr.Bruno Freddi ( the director of this festival, who is painter and sculptor ) inside the performance. We deeply appreciate for his cooperation.  

  After the group dance performance, Atsushi's solo Butoh "SKIN" was performed immediately without a break. We felt really warm and beautiful energy from audience in the square. 

  Deep gratitude to the director Mr. Bruno Freddi, and Michele for the organization, and Pino and Marco for the technique and all the team who helped this festival. And the wonderful dancers and spectators who participated. This opportunity to meet and share in person was really great and precious time.

photo by SunJea Jay Lee

photo by SunJea Jay Lee

La Voce del Corpo Festival _b0200212_03045150.jpg

LA VOCE DEL CORPO 6th edition 2022

Domenica 26 giugno
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II

ore 21.30 Performance Art - Butoh 
Ensemble Atsushi/Hiroko
 "Le quattro stagioni della vita -
 abbracciare la vita e la morte con il Butoh"

ore 22.30 Performance Art - Butoh
Atsushi Takenouki - Hiroko Komiya
(Musiche dal vivo) "Skin"


Concert 18June Hiroko and Luigi for New Album release

Saturday 18 June 2022 at 19h Concert BEYOND THE BORDERS - World Music Meditation

guest dancer ; Atsushi TAKENOUCHI
in the forest Vicopisano, PI, Italy
Concert Hiroko and Luigi for New album release_b0200212_23085500.jpg
Concert Hiroko and Luigi for New album release_b0200212_23115121.jpg
Concert Hiroko and Luigi for New album release_b0200212_23130802.jpg
Concert Hiroko and Luigi for New album release_b0200212_23111753.jpg

With the release of the first collabo album, Hiroko and Luigi will present their work in the enchanting setting of the forest. Part of the proceeds will be used to support the Bosco delle Acornde project, which deals with pedagogy in nature.

Beyond the Borders
World music meditation
Con l'uscita del loro primo album, Hiroko e Luigi presenteranno il loro lavoro nell'incantevole cornice di un bosco.
Una parte del ricavato servirà a sostenere il progetto del Bosco delle Ghiande, che si occupa di pedagogia in natura.
Hiroko Komiya
Crea suoni da vari oggetti come acqua, pietre, ciotole tibetane,
giocattoli e voce. La sua musica è concepita in modo tale da
lasciar emergere il suono in modo naturale da ogni oggetto e
strumento, come se respirassero e sussurrassero la loro propria
vita. Accompagna dal 1999 le performace di danza Butoh di Atsushi Takenouchi.
Luigi Mattiello:
Polistrumentista, musicoterapeuta e counselor. Da molti anni si dedica al suono e ai suoi molteplici linguaggi sia in campo artistico che nella relazione di aiuto.
Sviluppa un approccio personale utilizzando la voce e il canto come veicolo di trasformazione del potenziale umano in percorsi di crescita personale attraverso seminari e formazioni.
Il concerto prevede lo svolgimento della serata in un luogo aperto.
Contributo a offerta libera
Per info e prenotazioni:
Luigi: 3396542543
Al momento della prenotazione verranno fornite tutte le indicazioni su come raggiungere l'evento.


Online Butoh WS 11-13 MAR organized by Kiwi&Zenzero studio Hong Kong

O N L I N E  3days JINEN Butoh workshop 

organized by Kiwi & Zenzero studio Hong Kong

 11-13 March 2022 (Fri,Sat,Sun)

JINEN Butoh Atsushi Takenouchi 

live music by Hiroko Komiya (object sounds, voice, percussion )

Info >>>https://fb.me/e/2XIhiqH4h

【體現編作劇場 EMBODY Devising Theatre|Part I - 舞踏 BUTOH】

四時生活 - 以舞踏擁抱生死

Four seasons of life - Embracing Life and Death with Butoh


Become flowers, insect, animal and spirit, to dance out this four seasons of their life in order to rediscover the natural rhythm of life. This is the dance of our life. Each of us can explore a lot of precious moments in dance. To embody deeply the theme of each seasons, and to reveal one’s mysterious life. This workshop connects the core theme of Atsushi Takenouchi JINEN BUTOH — “bliss, purification, love, requiem, sacrifice, life & death”. Dance within to embrace life & death. And the resonance from inner body start echoing “death is part of life circulation”. Let’s dance to forget and forgive, to understand the rhythm of nature by embodying this four seasons.

By JINEN Butoh Atsushi Takenouchi 


||時間表|| Date & Time 

11 Mar Fri 7 - 10pm ( Hong Kong time )

12 Mar Sat 7 - 10pm ( Hong Kong time )

13 Mar Sun 4 - 7pm ( Hong Kong time )


|| 報名 Application || (HK$250 / 課程 Course ; HK$ 100 / 單堂Lesson )

Application >>> https://forms.gle/P9CMWqCBZQHzhuhq8

【體現編作劇場 EMBODY Devising Theatre】


The pandemic situation in Hong Kong remains challenging, this programme has been suspended since 2020. In this 2022 spring, we restart the project in another way, the project is restructured from a workshop with solo performance into two workshops and a screening event.


#jinenbutoh #kiwizzs #butohworkshop #butoh #danceworkshop

主辦 Organised by Kiwi & Zenzero Studio

贊助 Supported by Arts Development Council


Pontedera weekend Butoh workshop & Butoh performance 19-20 FEB

 Sabato 19 e Domenica 20 Febbraio 2022

Workshop intensivo di
JINEN BUTOH con Atsushi Takenouchi
-Life of Flower -

more info >>> HERE
ph by H.Komiya

Orari Workshop :
Sabato: ore 14.00-20.00
Domenica: ore 9.30-17.30 (con 1 ora di pausa)
at : Spazio NU ( Pontedera / Italy)

*class is accompanied by live music of Hiroko Komiya

Info e iscrizioni:

(posti limitati, prenotazione obbligatoria)

con Atsushi Takenouchi e Liviana Angeloni

Sabato 19 Febbraio 2022

more info FB >>> 
more info HP >>>

ore 21.30  

at Spazio NU ( Pontedera / Italy)
Modalità di partecipazione >>> 

Info e prenotazioni:
spazionu@gmail.com / 0587.54634
whatsapp: 3516994308 / telegram: Spazio Nu
(posti limitati, prenotazione obbligatoria)

h 09.30 pm
Liviana Angeloni
Not Yet, Still Now
(work in progress)
* * *

h 10.00 pm
Atsushi Takenouchi
JINEN Butoh solo
with live music by Hiroko Komiya (object sounds, voice, percussion)

All life is born from the earth, and return to the earth.
Earth breath. It tells me that I am also a part of it.
I ask if my dance is also a part of Earth.
Earth replies me “ Yes sure. All is a part of the earth and all is dancing.”

hiroko © Cordula

Atsushi Takenouchi HP   www.jinen-butoh.com
Hiroko Komiya blog       https://sonore.exblog.jp/

Album Release -Oto no Yukue- by Hiroko Komiya / Chris H. Lynn

新アルバム -音の行方- by Hiroko Komiya / Chris H. Lynn

Album "Oto no Yukue" 音の行方 by Chris H. Lynn and Hiroko Komiya
(total 5 tracks, digital release, 2022)

Oto no Yukue -the destination of the sound- began in the spring of 2021 and finished mixing and composing in November of 2021. The process of extracting the instant sound of each land, exchanging like a sound letter, and creating new compositions from the explorations slowly took shape. The end result became a sketchbook-like album of sounds with seasonal changes, elements of nature, and some distant memories.

Oto no Yukue -音の行方-;2021年春に始まり、2021年11月にミキシングと作曲を終えました。それぞれの土地の今の音を抽出し、音の手紙のように交換し、模索しつつ新しい曲を作曲していき、やがて形となっていくプロセス。最終的には、季節の移ろい、自然の要素、そしてどこか遠い記憶を含んだ音のスケッチブックのようなアルバムとなりました。

1.Rendezvous Cycles -循環する出逢い- (6m50s)
2.Sonotoki, Anotoki -その時、あの時- (5m07s)
3.Ima no oto -今の音- (6m50s)
4.Winter proof -冬支度- (2m25s)
5.Then. and then… -そして、それから- (22m25s)

released February 4, 2022

Chris H.Lynn ; Piano/Field Recordings/objects
Hiroko Komiya ; Zither/Lap harp/Keyboard/Breath/Objects sounds/Field Recordings

credit album cover by: Chris H. Lynn
credit design by: Hiroko Komiya

Album Release -Oto no Yukue- by Hiroko Komiya / Chris H. Lynn_b0200212_12531327.jpg
Album Release -Oto no Yukue- by Hiroko Komiya / Chris H. Lynn_b0200212_13295726.jpg