
絵本”自然と踊ろう米祭り” picturebook "Dance with nature in the Rice Festival"

1993 " Dance with Nature in the Rice Festival (shizento odorou komematsuri)" picture book.


The above is the cover of the picture book " Dance with Nature in the Rice Festival (shizento odorou komematsuri)" , by Atsushi Takenouchi  in 1993. 
Poem and illustrations by Atsushi Takenouchi.( Issued by Noubunkyo). This picture book was published in the time Atsushi hold nature school in Osaka/Japan. He was teaching how to play with nature, how to dance with nature for children and parents and young people.
He has started dancing butoh since 1980, and those time, he was also painting and exhibiting in Osaka, Kyoto, Japan as well as performing JINEN Butoh, time to time in his exhibition or opening event. In 1995, when the earthquake hit Kobe, he danced with prayer, and then his life has focused on mainly Butoh dance. Thank you very much for the related people in this publishing, Noubunkyo publishing company, Mr. and Mrs. Fukunaga, Mr.Katsuyuki Tanaka, and other supported people. with deep respects.


絵本『自然と踊ろう米まつり』   (農文協)


... 今はなんとなく、わかるよ。この絵本の家族を、よく見てごらん。
2 本の足が、しっかり大地についている。


Report South France nature side Butoh workshop 2012 April

Waking up in the morning, then wide mountain view came into our eye with morning air.
Here we were at the nature side in Pyrenees in South France. 
This year, our nature side Butoh workshop project was held in Spring time of Pyrenees.
We danced danced danced everyday, with spring flowers, with trees and forests, with rocks,
with rain, with wind, with fire, with mad, with ancient cave...

One workshop day with flower,  Atsushi talked us about flower story. Then we arrived flower
fields and we walked through the flowers in the field. Just walk walk walk in silent.
Then, each person meet one flower. And start making dialogue with flower.
Any dialogue is ok with words, withourt words,  just with gazing at them, and
important thing is to spend time with flower deeply.
Meet the flower, and share with her.  And dance with her.
" Flowers don't know choreograph. Flowers don't speak how to stand up and how to bloom.
Flowers simply bloom where they are. "
ある日の午後。野原と森の中でのワーク。花と踊る。野原を歩く ある花と出逢う 花と対話する。
ことばで話しかけてもよい、じっと花をみつめるだけでもよい。言葉のない会話 こころで語りかけるだけでもよい。
花と出逢い 花とすごす そして 花と踊る。
花には決まった 振り付けはない 花は立ち方や咲き方を語らない 花はただそこに咲くのみ
野原にはたくさんのタンポポや 小さな小さな野の花たち そして桜の木が 真っ白な桜を咲かせた枝を空にあちこちに伸ばしていた。

Another day, we danced on the top of hill with forests.  Surrounded by blue sky view and white clouds, we felt as if  dancing with sky. Dance of birds, dance of clouds, dance of wind, and just we became the air.  Just after we moved to the forests, the wind becomes harder and the rain started . So we danced with rain, with rolling and running through trees and fields. With the sound of flute, the dance with rain was kept on until the rain stopped. Sun lights, spring rain, soft bleeze, blue sky, birds voice, gray clouds, humid air, hard rain,etc..... Never stopping changeable weather show us something. The nature tells us that all the life do not keep one form , do not keep same moment, but keep on transforming.
丘の上の林でのワーク。ぐるりと青空と白い雲にかこまれて、空と踊る時間のようだった。鳥の踊り、雲の踊り、風の踊り、空気になる。そして 林のほうへと移動したかと思うと、まもなく 風に包まれて、激しい雨にみまわれた。ダンス、ダンス、ダンス、思いきり濡れて林の中を走り野原を転げまわりながら 雨が切れるまでフルートの音とともに踊り続けた。晴天、春雨、そよ風、青空、鳥声、曇り空、湿り風、激しい雨、入替り立代りのめまぐるしく変わる天候が私達に、何一つとどまっているものなどないのだと教えてくれるかのようだった。。 

In the end of this day, we danced in the cave. With making circle with candle fire, we danced in silent , some moments with chanting,  we saw many dancing shadows on the wall.  Just  forgot the time and traveld deep into the memory of the cave.  In this cave prehistoric time  7000 yeas ago, what kind of dance did they make ? what kind of sound did they hear ? how did they communicate with the nature, with the earth ?
During this 6days , we appreciated and enjoyed very much the taste of food, the taste of water after intensive dancing everyday. To feel appreciation, to have respectation, these are probably a kind of dialogue for us to live with the nature, with the earth. And our life itself also a part of this transforming big nature.
そして洞窟でのワーク。キャンドルライトを囲んで輪をつくった。ただ、たたずむ時間。時に沈黙のなかで、時に声をだして歌いながら踊る時間。洞窟の壁には 踊る私達の影が揺れていた。時を忘れて、この洞窟の記憶の奥へとすすんでいった。この先史時代の洞窟で、7000年前 人々はどのように踊り、どのような音を聞いたのか?そしてどのように自然と大地と対話したのか?
この6日間のあいだ、私達は毎日くたくたになるまで踊り、ワークショップのおわったあとは 食事の時間が本当に楽しみだった。食べ物に感謝し、そして水に感謝した。  ありがたいと思うこと。尊ぶこと。これらは 自然と暮らし 大地と暮すための私たちの対話のひとつかもしれない。 そして私達の生命もまた、変容する自然の一部であることを感じさせられた6日間だった。